Your Trusted General Contractors in New York

Improve your property with BDB Construction Enterprise. Your trusted General Contractors in New York City. We specialize in delivering effective solutions to your construction and renovation needs, on time and within budget.

Our Competitive Advantage

Our competitive advantage lies in our unique approach. Construction projects typically fall apart due to lack of coordination. Lack of coordination between design folks and construction folks is quite common. Another common issue is lack of coordination amongst various trades. We possess the professional ability and the right attitude to address those gaps. Our approach is highly integrated. And we are proactively involved in design assistance and coordination during pre-construction and construction. We are adept at keeping surprises at bay and dealing with unforeseen conditions in a professional manner. Our track record of completing complex building renovation projects in the most demanding timelines is a true reflection of our approach. Please feel free to look at our work by clicking the “OUR WORK” at the top of this page.

We Would Love To Hear About Your Upcoming Project!

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General Contractor or Prime Contractor is responsible for building the whole project from start to finish. It is the general contractor’s responsibility to provide the necessary labor, material, equipment, site supervision, quality control and compliance with city codes. A construction project typically consists of various surprise packages which are not expected at the beginning of the project. Meanwhile, these surprises include but are not limited to incomplete design, unknown existing conditions, material availability, structural stability issues, unforeseen hidden conditions such as underground pipes, labor shortages as well as weather-related delays. The right general contractor is someone who is capable and skilled to handle all of these external and internal issues with minimum impact on the project costs or deadlines. Through our track records, we have proven to provide our clients with unmatched service.


In addition to professional ability and attitude, the right general contractor should have the right team! We are proud of our direct employees and have enjoyed excellent relationship with all of our subcontractors for several years. For a project to be executed successfully, it is important to estimate costs accurately. In order to do that, we use input from professionals who have field experience with construction costs of similar scope and working conditions. Relying on computer software alone or relying on costs from a different project is a costly mistake that can lead to catastrophic results. We strongly depend on existing conditions to prepare costs which hence helps us in proper execution of work. We are licensed in the states of New York, Providence and California to perform general contracting work.


Design Build Contractor is responsible for the provision of both design documents and general contracting services. This integrated approach is particularly beneficial in predicting construction challenges early on in the project life cycle. It has a positive effect on controlling the project cost and schedule. Better coordination gives more control over the project outcome. Another advantage of Design Build Approach is the ability to perform Value Engineering to improve the worth of the project. Meanwhile, errors and mistakes in drawings can be pointed out early on in the project which helps in costly delays during construction. Additionally, communication between the various project players can take place more efficiently hence improving project speed. Single-source responsibility is another benefit of Design Build Approach when exercising accountability. We have longstanding connections with design professionals, code consultants as well as permit expeditors which allows us to offer this service to our clients.



We take pride in our roots in the waterproofing business.  Originally, the principal of the firm started work as a building waterproofing company. It progressively grew into a general contracting firm.  Building Envelope waterproofing is not an exact science and requires thorough working knowledge of several exterior materials. Roofing, flashing, concrete, masonry, glass, stone, metal, sealants and cementitious coatings identify and rectify sources of water intrusion.  In addition to various exterior materials, waterproofing also requires knowledge and experience with exterior elements such as window lintels, coping stones, mortar joints, fire escapes as well as embedded metals.  We take pride in our track record in building waterproofing projects. We have been offering comprehensive solutions to our clients even with the most challenging sources of leaks.


New York City is known for its envious skyline comprising some of the World’s most amazing buildings.  However, to protect those buildings and the public there are certain laws in place with local law 11 being one of those laws.  It requires Owners of all buildings taller than six stories in height to have the façade inspected by a QEWI (Qualified Exterior Wall Inspector) every 5 years.  Upon inspection, the QEWI is required to submit a report, more commonly referred to as the local law 11 report.  Based on the findings of the QEWI, the building is either categorized as SAFE, SWARMP (Safe with a Repair and Maintenance Program) and UNSAFE.


It could be quite challenging to execute a local law 11 project smoothly due to scope of work changes.  The previous cycle report is 5 years old and there are new conditions which are missing in the report.  This scope gap hence leads to conflicts over additional costs and time which causes issues during construction phase.  Our strategy is more proactive in which we don’t rely on the previous cycle alone when coming up with the scope of work.


Before signing the contract, in order to protect mutual interest of our company and our clients, we perform through visual inspections. Make sure there are minimum gaps in the current condition of the property and the previous cycle’s report.  It hence helps us to develop an accurate scope of work which mitigates the risk of delays and cost overruns during construction phase.  In 2020, the local law 11 were expanded to include more detailed façade inspection requirements and to enhance the experience requirements for the Qualified Exterior Wall Inspectors (QEWI).  Originally, any licensed architect or engineer was able to perform façade inspection. But under the new role, they must go through a qualification process by the NYC Department of Buildings before being allowed to perform façade inspection and prepare the submit local law 11 report.



BDB Construction Enterprise is one of the most innovative and trusted student housing Contractor in the nation.  We have converted apartment buildings and hotels into student dorms and student apartments in record time and with exceptional quality.

Why should I trust BDB Construction Enterprise for my construction needs?

BDB Construction Enterprise specializes in winning the trust of clients through innovation, integrity and high level of commitment.  Over 70% of our work comes from repeat clients which is proof of our clients’ trust in our services.

What makes BDB Construction Enterprise different?

Our integrated and hands-on approach makes us different.  It helps us to identify potential issues early on in the project.