CUNY/NYU Dentistry Building Manhattan
Expanding on a long and productive relationship with a noted building owner, BDB Construction has led a series of successful projects at this 10-story Midtown East location in New York City known for lessees from leading universities. Starting before 2012, BDB delivered masonry façade upgrades in record time to meet Local Law 11 rules, and then renovated three lower floors that attracted New York University’s school of dentistry. In subsequent years, BDB has replaced three aging 20-ton HVAC units with super-efficient FHP water-source heat pump systems. In 2018 we replaced the old wood storefront system, installing a modern, point-supported glass curtain wall system, creating a contemporary and high-tech look. Most recently, BDB led a major renovation of the building’s lobby and security check-in for tenants including New York University and Baruch College, part of the City University of New York system.